პროაქტიული მართვა და კულტურის სფეროს პროექტების მასშტაბურობა

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დოდო ჭუმბურიძე


The topic Proactive Management and the Scale of Cultural Projects discusses the importance of identifying target groups and striving for continuous collaboration on the example of large-scale and successful projects in the field of culture.

Based on timely and implemented research, the „Voice of the Market“ and „What the Customer Wants“ is revealed, which provides us with key information, but is not enough to create a successful project and product. When developing a customer relationship strategy, it is important to consider the specifics of the products in the field of culture and to manage customer attitudes. When dealing with employees, sponsors, partners, customers, and other stakeholders, managers of the organization should be guided by Victor Vrum’s theory, which links motivation to expectations.

To manage the expectations of consumers interested in culture and art is a challenge for organizations operating in the field of culture and requires appropriate efforts.

It should be noted that the product itself needs to be deepened, offering a strategy and motivating activities that help boost customer confidence. At the initial stage, it is important to analyze the current situation, which will help the creative team to form a vision for the future and improve the result achieved.

Products and projects in the field of culture have an educational/cognitive function, which goes beyond „strengthening market positions“ and is not limited to „justifying customer expectations.”

Focusing on a successful outcome is based on developing a loyal program that is a prerequisite for a continuous relationship with the customer. In the field of culture, the transformation of an ordinary consumer into a loyal consumer is achievable if the organization does not limit the possibility of individual self-expression.

In the topic, attention is paid to the importance of proactive management and its advantages compared with reactive management. With proactive management are created successful projects which leaves a mark and are long regarded as a barometer of success.

გამოქვეყნებული: Nov 13, 2022

Article Details

როგორ უნდა ციტირება
ჭუმბურიძე დ. (2022). პროაქტიული მართვა და კულტურის სფეროს პროექტების მასშტაბურობა. Academia, 258–262. Retrieved from https://academia.openjournals.ge/index.php/academia/article/view/3563